Budget Streamer Gear – What You NEED To Buy First?
Budget Streamer Gear – What You NEED To Buy First?
I have bought a lot of gear in my job as a filmmaker, content creator, and now as a Streamer… and a lot of it has gathered dust as well, because of this I have learned my lesson… for the most part…
Today I am covering the BEST streamer gear purchases you should be making and in what order to grow your stream… while sticking to a budget!
👑Full Budget Streamer Gear List:
🔴 Download the BEST Full Stream Packages here:
👑Watch a FULL BREAKDOWN of the Samson Q2u:
👑Learn how to turn any Keyboard into a stream deck:
🔴 Download FREE Animated Overlays Now:
Why Should You Upgrade A Microphone First?
We are assuming that you have a PC that can run a decent stream quality, then the most important purchase is a good microphone, if someone drops by and you are streaming 720p or even 480p they are usually okay with it, but if your audio hurts their ears or doesn’t sound right I promise you they will leave.
There are plenty of affordable USB mics that sound amazing, and you can take them to even better heights when you apply the right filters that are free and come with OBS and Slobs, our recommendation in this video is the Samson Q2u.
0:00 Small Streamers Waste So Much Money On Gear!
0:49 The Best Streamer Overlays and Graphics For Beginners! – Own3d
1:29 What Budget Microphone Is Best For Streamers? – Samson Q2u
4:40 What budget Mic Arm To Buy For Streaming? – Rode PSA1
6:40 What Budget webcam to buy for streaming? – Logitech C922
7:30 What Budget Lighting To Buy For Streaming? – Dazzne D50’s
9:18 What Streamer Gear Should You Buy First?
What Are The Best Webcams and Lights For Streamers?
Your lighting is really what is going to make or break your webcam or camera quality, you can get some cheap LED panels from Neewer 90W or the Dazznee D50’s Panels are great as well.
I use the Logitech C922 Pro, and then use these little LED light panels to light myself.
This little light is enough to light my face, and then I manually set my webcam settings which you really should be doing as well, slap a custom LUT I made for myself to make the colours look nice, and we’re good to go.
The lights behind me aren’t as bright so I stand out and they make the background look nice, which is important. You should try to make your background look nice or look at grabbing a cheap green screen.
The style of this video is similar to Alpha Gaming and Gaming Careers in parts. A large influence on this series has come from content creators like Wild4games and Nutty.
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#twitch #gear #streamer
Advice on a capture card is what I am looking for
Finally, an Aussie who can help me workout what the hell I need. We need more like you in the world.
wat mic are you using in this video?
You should’ve been using that mic if it’s that good
1lux=1lumen/1square meter; lumen is how much light is emited from a source while lux is how bright is the lit area
On microphones, I have to say the Behringer XM8500 (a dynamic cardioid xlr mic) is excellent. I use it as a vocalist and it’s the definition of bang for your buck ($25-50 USD). I also use the Shure SM58 Pro (same type) but it costs a little more ($100 USD). STILL budget-friendly. For audio interface, I use the Behringer U-Phoria UM2. It’s like $35 USD and gets the job done. Again, I use these primarily for singing, but in the same set-up as streaming. I have used these for public speaking and recording content for work . Whatever you buy, HAVE FUN!
Sometimes i look at my wife and ask "wheres the RGB?"
Great video bro, thanks for the info 🙏🏻
Tried streaming back like 5 years ago and fell for money spending trap of being a beginner, can say 100% I am not proud of owning my HyperX QuadCast S mic and still wish I could return it.
"budget streamer gear" and bro shows a $200 light, its a light god dammt, and you want me to pay $200 for one of them and you recommend buying two???
God loves you
Part of the issue is people feel they need all of the gear at once and then get discouraged when when viewers dont come. You dont need advanced bells and whisles gear and viewers will come slow. Youtube or twitch is a job and the market is saturated people will come decide i like this guy or i dont and stay or leave depending until you have a flushed out core fan base.
Is there a part 2 to this video on what else you need?
Hey don’t know if you’ll see this, but do you think the ring elgato light is a good starter light? Either thinking that or one light air then upgrading two down the line
the slow farting over the elgato arm is wild
do you understand how much joy it brings me to know that Australian money is dolloaridoos
one thing people skip out on is you can get a audio technica 2020, a behringer umc22 and the xlr cable needed for less then the quadcast s. a very decent xlr mic with top quality. thats if you are in a quiet area with minimal background noise
for the mic arm I bought like a 40 dollar dacota piece of shit but it works perfectly so I dont care XD
Clicked off as soon as he started naming microphones just to be funny. Get to the point dude.
Honestly I just got a really cheap one and I seen no reason to go all crazy for all this other s*** when there is programs that can help with the microphone and stuff
Thanks I am buying everything ! And it’s cheaper now !
So I’m a producer I have mics interfaces and I also have cameras that I use at weddings. I have studio lighting. I want to stream my gameplay and seems like I have everything. What would be the best place to stream and and how should I go about it already having high quality mics cameras lighting
Great vid! simple down to earth info. No BS content. TY
Ok, it’s dynamic and not condenser mic. But you need to put as close to your mouth as you can. No? We try to stream with my wife, and choose the Rode XCM-50 because, we both talk to the same mic. But I’m totally noob, so thanks for the many information!
Could you possibly link me to your light set up guide video? I can’t find it anywhere.
So why are you not using this mic in your videos that you show you’re using different mic?
If i have a condenser mic with a midi interface will that work?
Wtf bro. Stop bullshittimg and get to the fucking.point respectfully.
Great tips! I just need a mic that can connect to my PlayStation controller and laptop while streaming in party chats. The sound is so low and bad on it while using ps headset connected to laptop.
So I have a fifine mic I got for $20 at a bargain bin store, the Logitech c270, a $10 mic arm from Amazon, and a $4 usb duel colour ring like from the dollar store. Also a blue yeti snowball is like $60. I get there’s exchange rates but you’re still telling people they need something more expensive then what they actually need.
bro just let a balloon go under the desk
Me who is still to broke to buy anything
I may be just joe dirt poor or stupid but this was supposed to be a budget streaming video right??? 😂😂😂😂
The yeti orb is a very cheap mic and it’s rly good I got it
Our definitions of budget are way different.
The danny devito in the back
Hold the fu** up
Dolerydoos is ACTUALLY how you say australian dollars?!
Thats not just slang?
real budget lights = cheap extenstion cord and a plug in light buld socket pick the light buld that best suites your room position it were you need
why on earth are you not talking into that mic then?
Would you recommend neewer gl1pro for the lights?
Temu Chris Pratt looking ahhh💀
Very helpful advice, lighting is very important. I agree with you
Every mic you jike offered were legit all the ones being said over a few different sites. LMAO 🤣😂
I have to say this is rather discouraging… Was hoping the level for entry was much lower… I live in canada and am disabled so i cant work, and am desperately trying to find a way to help support my family.
Can I use the webcams in a multi cam set up?
5:53 cover ur farts
Thank you for actually putting the names of the items in the chapter titles so I know how to spell it 👍
No way it’s called a dollarydoo 😂😂. Great video!
Hey #EarlyGang! Hope you’re having a great week so far! What gear do you love, what do you regret buying? I am sure lots of you have the mics I referenced today, and love them! Hope you understand why I don’t always recommend them for their price and type! Also, I flubbed and saying 5600k and not 4600k for my lighting colour.
0:00 Small Streamers Waste So Much Money On Gear!
0:49 The Best Streamer Overlays and Graphics For Beginners!
1:29 What Budget Microphone Is Best For Streamers?
4:40 What budget Mic Arm To Buy For Streaming?
6:40 What Budget webcam to buy for streaming?
7:30 What Budget Lighting To Buy For Streaming?
9:18 What Streamer Gear Should You Buy First?
9:15 Damn. I just recently bought a very similar set from Amazon, because I’m on an actual BUDGET, which surely does not involve +200$ lights! 😵💸 They’ve gotten good reviews thou, so dunno why they suck and "make the camera suck too"? 😱